About Us

Restoration Provision Ministries International held its first service on the 17th of November, 2013, with 13 members. We had nothing except our faith in God and the Vision He has given to us. By God’s grace, we are making progress in restoring people to God’s original plan and purpose. Our ultimate aim is to fulfill our mandate that “He [God] will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers” -Malachi 4:6. Over the months, we have gradually increased in number. We now have a dynamic Children’s Ministry where kids from ages 3 to 12 meet on Sundays and are taught the word of God in a practical way. It is an honour to have the children being used by God to minister to the congregation through music and other activities and also taking part in evangelism. The Youth Ministry caters for young adults between the ages of 13 and 18. We also offer free therapeutic counseling and mentoring for the youth. Other departments in the church include the Men’s and Women’s Ministries. We meet once a month at a more informal level to do in-depth study and discussion of the Bible as well as discuss issues on building ourselves, our homes and society. The various departments and ministries have been designed to reach each and every member of the church. Ultimately we hope to integrate our local community, London, UK and rest of the world into God’s Kingdom so that we can all live fulfilled lives. Indeed a life lived outside God’s plan is like walking in darkness. There is no true fulfillment in this life until we have discovered our spot in God’s original plan.