In a world filled with uncertainty and unfulfilled dreams, the pursuit of self-actualization propels us forward. At Restoration Provision Ministries International, we offer a haven where you can discover genuine fulfilment in life. By God’s grace, we’ve built a welcoming haven where everyone can find acceptance and love without the fear of judgment. It’s a place where you’ll seamlessly belong, empowering you to fulfil your life’s purpose and inspire hope in your community.
To restore people back to God’s original plan and purpose – Restoring people to their Kingdom purpose.
Malachi 4:6 is our founding scripture to restore “the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers”.
Mission Statement
Unveiling the value of all race.
Assemble and teach people to know the heartbeat of God.
Helping people to discover who they truly are and maintaining that understanding.